Monday, November 5, 2012

***The following request are for a NEW ADULT novel and a CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE Novel.**

Hello everyone!

We have a couple of tours we're setting up. Please read everything carefully. There are four invites below. :)



Novemeber 15th: We have a Book Blast we're putting together for author Kelly Keaton's EMBERS IN A DARK FROST -

For the book blast I will e-mail everyone who signs up an already pre-made post. All you would have to do is copy and paste. A book blast is basically everyone posting the same post on the same day spreading the word about her book. There will be an excerpt included and a $25 Amazon gift card giveaway, which those who participate in the book blast can enter as well.

If you would like to participate in this book blast fill out this FORM -->>


November 20th: Twitter Blast for Kelly Keaton's EMBERS IN A DARK FROST

Twitter Blast contains
  • Twitter Icons changed for the day to the cover of EMBERS IN A DARK FROST
  • Teasers shared every two hours or so. We will e-mail everyone a schedule of what time they share their teaser on Twitter.
  • A Twitter Hashtag
  • Kelly will be answering questions throughout the day.
  • Giveaways
  • A $15 GCREADING Amazon GC giveaway to a blogger participating... that would be YOU. :) We will simply choose a winner randomly off the sign up form once the blast is over.

If you would like to participate in this TWITTER BLAST fill out this FORM -->>


December 3rd - 21st (Mon-Fri): Review Blog Tour *STRICTLY REVIEWS ONLY* Kelly Keaton is looking for about 15 (20 max) bloggers to review EMBERS IN A DARK FROST. It's a NEW ADULT book with some sexual content.

Starting December 3rd through December 21st each blogger will share a review of EMBERS IN A DARK FROST on their blog, GoodReads, Amazon and anywhere else you can post it.

The book will be provided in ebook format by Kelly Keaton.

If you would like to participate in this review tour fill out this FORM -->>


Finally, we have a cover reveal for author Heidi McLaughlin's FOREVER MY GIRL. This is a contemporary romance and it's a beautiful story! I got the chance to BETA read it and I can tell you right now it's a very touching story and I enjoyed it a lot.

The cover is VERY clean.

The cover reveal will take place on November 16th at 12:01 AM EST. This will also come as a pre-post.

There will also be a giveaway of $15 gift card and an ARC (Open Internationally).

For more on FOREVER MY GIRL -->>

If you'd like to take part in this cover reveal fill out this FORM -->>


Thank you again!!! If you have any questions at all please e-mail me.

All sign-ups will close on Sunday, Nov. 11th or when we have all spots filled. :)

05 Nov 2012


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